Sport & Play
Sport, Play and Movement:
Connecting Canadians for a healthier nation
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Now more than ever, Canadians understand and appreciate the importance of maintaining a healthy active lifestyle, and modelling healthy habits for our children. The 2020 Active Healthy Kids Report (Participaction) advocates for family involvement to increase child and adolescent physical activity and wellness. In our lab, we aim to leverage digital technology to expand awareness of the programs and resources that empower people to function and move effectively in the virtual world.
For many Canadians, being physically active stems from being introduced to sport from an early age. Whether the experience was introduced within family activities, in the classroom, or through an organization, sport is a big part of diverse Canadian culture.
Canada is proud to be a leading sport nation—both at home and abroad. Uniting our nation’s communities through sport, and celebrating the benefits of participation at all levels of development are important as we seek to build a healthier nation.
Both sport and education are constant vehicles for change, and continue to have a positive impact on the lives of many Canadians. As we bridge our communities and our sectors towards a more cohesive and collaborative infrastructure, connecting Canadians on and off the field of play provides direct benefits to the overall health and well-being of our nation.
As society leans into the recovery from COVID-19, strengthening the bridge between our educational institutions and sport organizations will be fundamental to building and sustaining a healthy Canada.