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Inclusion & Accessibility

building relationships and breaking barriers

Teaching to the Individual Student

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Inclusive education ensures that learning opportunities are equitable, accessible and barrier free for every student. It is essential for educators, whether they are teaching in a digital, hybrid or in-school model, to design lessons that take into account each student's needs and consider the ways that students think, learn and engage with content.


The PHE in Digital Culture Lab aims to build capacity for educators to meet the needs of each student, and embrace the concept that all abilities matter.  By having meaningful discussion, and sharing best practices for teaching, our aim is to ensure that all students can live healthy and active lives.

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"We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their colour."


~ Maya Angelou

Online Resources


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Long term Impact of Covid 19 on Disabled Children

Dan Bernard

Even with millions of cases, we still have a lot to learn about the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and its impact on childhood disability. There were initially highconcerns for those with neurological or neuromuscular conditions, who are known to be susceptible to respiratory com-plications of other viral infections. However, there have been surprisingly few reports of severe COVID-19 in those populations. Hypotheses to explain the apparent paradox areyet to be explored, e.g. underreporting, social factors (limited contacts), behavioural factors (limited environment andface touching), and possibly physiological factors. Yet earlysocietal response to the pandemic can already provide uswith some perspective for the future

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"Their enthusiasm is palpable and they inspire participants to get involved, show passion and solve problems."

Michelle B.

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Physical Activity During COVID-19 

Seyed Shahidi, Jennifer Williams & Fahima Hassani

The World Health Organization recommends that children and adolescents aged 5‐17 should engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity a day. Physical activity is defined as bodily movement performed by skeletal muscles that demand energy expenditure. The physical benefits of this include musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health, a healthy body weight and neuromuscular awareness, for coordination and controlling movement. The psychological benefits include managing anxiety and building self‐esteem, which are both important for children's psycho‐social development.

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Henrietta H. Fore, Executive Director, UNICEF

These initiatives push us all to consider the new opportunities that this crisis creates for communities to recover better, build stronger systems, and orient these services to reach all people, rich and poor alike. This kind of long-term thinking can help us to prevent further loss of life from COVID-19 and to reduce the effects of the global recession, while making progress towards the healthier, more equal, resilient, and sustainable future envisioned in the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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