Health Education
learning to live well
Staying Healthy in a Digital World
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Health education is being transformed by the shifting paradigms within which we live. Our philosophy is based on a foundation of "Healthy Self, Healthy Community, Healthy Canada, Healthy Planet".
The challenge for teachers in digital environments, is to find new and innovative ways to encourage students to become wise consumers of health information. Although the time and space in our curriculum is often not dedicated to health education, it is even more crucial that students participate and engage in open and honest discussions about the health issues they face.
Our group is committed to providing opportunities for teachers to dialogue, generate strategies and lessons that engage students and inform them about themselves and others. As students are bombarded with a never ending influx of information, be it false news or marketed products, we aim to help them decipher mixed messages, delineate their own values, and develop health literacy.
Health Literacy
Health literacy involves the skills needed to get, understand and use information to make good decisions for health. The Canadian Public Health Association’s Expert Panel on Health Literacy defines it as the ability to access, understand, evaluate and communicate information as a way to promote, maintain and improve health in a variety of settings across the life-course.
Irving Rootman and Deborah Gordon-El-Bihbety, A Vision for a Health Literate Canada: Report of the Expert Panel on Health Literacy (Ottawa: Canadian Public Health Association, 2008).