Mental Health
and Well being
building a community to dialog, discuss and share
Holistic Wellness for Life - Body Mind Spirit
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Wellbeing is a critical component of successful teaching and learning. We strive through PHE to model this for our students and athletes, in order to help them, and us, achieve our full human potential. Are you taking care of your OWN mental health? Try this checklist:
Teachers who have high levels of well-being:
have positive relationships within and outside the classroom and school
are responsive, flexible, and empathetic
have a positive sense of autonomy and self-worth
are proactive and positive about engaging in new initiatives
have well-developed solution-finding skills
have a sense of meaning, purpose, and future goals
have good emotional, communication, and resilience skills
are part of a caring, inclusive, and respectful professional environment (Carney, 2015, p.178).
Online Resources
Teacher Stress Related to Student Mental Health Promotion: the Match Between Perceived Demands and Competence to Help Students with Mental Health Problems
Stine Ekornes
The results suggest that teacher stress emerges chiefly from a mismatch between feeling responsible for and being able to help students with mental health problems. The data also point to the impact of time constraints in school context. Finally, the findings reveal significantly higher levels of perceived responsibility and negative emotions amongst female teachers, and significantly lower levels of perceived responsibility amongst teachers at higher grades.
A compassion framework: the role of compassion in schools in promoting well-being and supporting the social and emotional development of children and young people
Ammar Al Ghabban
Our current social and political context is awash with pronouncements about the growing number of children and young people with mental health issues. This paper explores how school culture that is founded upon a compassion framework is well placed to support the promotion of pupils’ mental health and well-being.
Supporting students’ mental health in schools: what do teachers want and need?
Lucas Shelemy, Kate Harvey& Polly Waite
In a survey of teachers, 99% considered acknowledging and managing their students’ mental health needs to be part of their role (Roeser and Midgley 1997). In many studies, teachers have described mental health education (Graham et al. 2011) or the management of mental health problems in the classroom as being very important (Walter, Gouze, and Lim 2006). Many teachers acknowledge their ability to identify mental health problems in the classroom (Rothì, Leavey, and Best 2008) and the link between academic and emotional health outcomes (Kidger et al. 2009). Similarly, the majority of teachers believe that schools should be a place where mental health issues are addressed (Reinke et al. 2011).
You are not alone.
Teachers across the country reportedly feeling overworked, stressed and anxious about their safety and the safety of students.