At Ontario Tech University, digital classrooms and online physical and health education learning environments have expanded far beyond teacher-centred pedagogy. However, teachers who are new to online pedagogy often struggle with classroom management, as well as assessment and evaluation, particularly in physical and health education settings.
By developing meaningful and productive online learning communities, teachers can create engaging and dynamic online learning spaces, built for 21C learning, and based on evidence-based practice founded in research.
Keeping students engaged is the best way to ensure they are active learners giving you a chance to assess for learning throughout your lessons.
1) Using small engagement tools such as polls and word clouds are simple ways to provide engagement and make students accountable. Also asking a series of yes and no questions while having the students raise their 'digital' hand to show their answer is another great way to check their learning.
2) Using QR codes in your daily lessons are fast ways for students to scan a document, google form or survey to fill out. The benefit to this is that the students can scan the QR code with their phone or other handheld device to fill out the information. This way your power point or the class notes displayed on their computer screen does not change making the transition faster between tasks.
3) Whether it's in-person or virtually, having a student lead a portion of the class allows students to demonstrate their learning and take charge. Now not every student thrives off this type of challenge but in a fitness class for example a student can lead a little fitness blast during the virtual class. Giving them flexibility of their choice of exercise will introduce different styles and exercises to the class.